vendredi 12 octobre 2012

Từ điển Kinh Thánh - Dictionnaire de la Bible - Dictionary of the Bible

Từ vựng - Từ Điển - Bách Khoa Kinh Thánh
Lexique - Dictionnaire - Encyclopédia de la Bible
Lexicon - Dictionary - Encyclopedia of the Bible

ABD, Anchor Bible Dictionary, 6 volumes, by FREEDMAN, D. N., (ed.), New York (NY) - London, Doubleday, 1992. (Libronix)

BDAG3, A Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, by DANKER, F. W., (rev. ed.), Third Edition, Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, (1957, 1979), 2000. (Libronix)

CE, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Online:

DBS, Dictionnaire de la Bible. Supplément, par CAZELLES, H.; FEUILLET, A., (et al.), (dir.), t. I (1928)…, t. XII (1994), t. XIII (1999)…, Paris, Letouzey & Ané.

DEB, Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la Bible,  par CENTRE INFORMATIQUE ET BIBLE ABBAYE DE MAREDSOUS, (dir.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2002, (3è éd. rev. et aug.).

DVSp, Dictionnaire de la vie spirituelle,  par DE FIORES, S.; GOFFI, T., (dir.), (Adaptation française par F. VIAL), Paris, Le Cerf, (1983), 1987.

EDNT, Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, (3 volumes), by BALZ, Horst; SCHNEIDER, (Ed.), Grand Rapids, (MI), William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990. (Libronix DLS).

EsBD, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Online:, (Bible works 8).

FsBD, Fausset's Bible Dictionary, 1949, Online:, (Bible works 8).

HsBD. Harper’s Bible Dictionary, by ACHTEMEIER, Paul J., (Ed.), (With The Society of Biblical Literature), San Francisco (CA),  Harper & Row Publishers, 1985, 1178 p. (Libronix DLS).

ISBE, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, by BROMILEY, Geoffrey W. (Ed.), (Fully Revised, Illustrated, In Four Volumes), Grand Rapids (Michigan), William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [1986], Reprinted, 1992. Online: (Bible Works 8,  Libronix DLS).

Louw-Nida Lexicon, Online:, (Bible Works 8).

LTdNT, Lexique théologique du Nouveau Testament, par SPICQ, C., Fribourg - Paris, Éditions Universitaires de Fribourg - Le Cerf, 1991.

TDNT, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, (10 vol.) by KITTEL, G. (dir.), vol. I-IV; FRIEDRICH, G. (dir.), vol.VI-IX; PITKIN R. E., vol. X, (Index), vol. I, 1968 à vol. X, 1976, Grand Rapids (MI), W. M. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. (Libronix DLS).

TDNTA, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by KITTEL, Gerhard; FRIEDRICH, Gerhard, translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley; Abridged in One Volume. (Libronix DLS).

Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Coded with Strong's Concordance Numbers, by Joseph H. THAYER, 1996, (Bible Works 8).

VGNT, Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, by MOULTON, J.H.;  MILLIGAN, G., [1930], 1995. (Bible Works 8).